Automatic Ticket Issuance completes everything from reservation to ticket delivery after payment entirely automatically. This enables simple and convenient reservation management with less burden on organizers.
❶ Applicant List
Once the reservation form is published, reservations from participants will be listed on this screen. The image displayed on the left indicates the “Automatic Ticket Issuance” mode.
For details about “Manual Ticket Issuance” click here
❷ List Download
You can download the list of applicants as an Excel file. This can be used as management documentation from the start to the end of the reservation period, as well as reference materials on the event day.
❸ Ticket Storage
Tickets for all applicants can be saved locally. In case of any issue where a participant does not have their ticket, the saved ticket can be sent individually.
QR Ticket
❹ Reservation Application Form
You can access the currently published reservation form.
❺ Selection of Displayed Item Names in the List
By default, all items are displayed in the list below. If the width becomes too wide and difficult to view, you can hide items by deselecting them, allowing for width adjustments.
❻ Applicant Information List
All reservation details for each applicant are displayed, including payment status, ticket status, email status, and any response settings. The information is updated in real-time.